This book outlines assorted dimensional materials acquired through reconfiguration of potentially applicable physical properties and functions of some multifunctional matrixes, composites, hybrids, and blends. As the frontiers of Science and Technology become widened, many multifunctional materials are created via physico-chemically reconfigured alterations to cater for remarkable applications in this era of modernization. Today, material for sustainable and green development in S&T draws noteworthy global interest in industry and technology such as polymer-based sensors/markers, thermal conductors, metal-alloys, piezo-energy harvesters, and thermoelectrics.
- Chapter s of this book explain practicable methodologies and viable applications in the diverse areas of material chemistry, physics, and modern engineering. All skeletal reconfigured matrixes are promising due to augmented new functionality that offers novel and advanced utilities to the resultant matrixes, composites, blends, gels, and hybrids.