How to deal with conflicts? Poetry played a crucial role in dealing with religious and political conflicts from 1400 until 1625. All over Europe there was a lively debate. Controversial poetry presents historical controversies in Latin, Italian, Dutch, German, Scots, and Hungarian poetry.
Readership: Researchers in the fields of Dutch, German, Hungarian, Italian, Latin, Scots, and Comparative Literature
Musicology, History of Song, Media History
Media Theory, Philosophical and psychological Aesthetics
Early Modern Cultural and Political History
Church History, Theology. Musicians, especially of Renaissance and Baroque music. Forschende in den folgenden Feldern: Deutsche, Italienische, Lateinische, Niederländische, Schottische, Ungarische und Vergleichende Literatur
Musikwissenschaft, Geschichte des Lieds, Mediengeschichte
Medientheorie, Philosophische und Psychologische Ästhetik
Kultur- und politische Geschichte der frühen Neuzeit
Kirchengeschichte, Theologie. Musiker*innen, vor allem von Renaissance- und Barock-Musik