Building upon a previously documented analytic formalism, we derive a set of data transformations that relate piezoelectrically inferred time-dependent ejecta masses, dynamical ejecta cloud densities, and "radiographic" ejecta cloud density distributions. These transformation rules are derived rigorously, with careful attention to the assumption of instant ejecta production which is inherent in the piezoelectric mass inference procedure. Some of these relationships have not appeared previously in the literature, including solutions for the unique ejecta velocity distribution and radiographic ejecta cloud density distribution consistent with the instant-production assumption for a given piezoelectrically inferred mass dataset. In deriving the latter, we prove that?again subject to the ubiquitous instant-creation assumption?measurements at a single sensor are sufficient to determine properties of the ejecta cloud everywhere at all times. Other data transformation relationships have appeared in the literature without a rigorous derivation, or have been stated in forms that obscure the key mathematical relationships. We apply these results to arguments for self-similar ejecta cloud evolution, thereby deriving mathematical expressions by which claims of self-similarity may be examined. We prove that one analysis used in the literature to claim experimental evidence of a short ejecta production timescale?and consequently of self-similar cloud evolution?in fact places no constraint the ejecta production interval and therefore does not support the associated conclusion. We also provide a potentially useful uniqueness proof.