FAST.Farm is a newly developed multiphysics, midfidelity engineering tool that can be used to predict turbine power and structural loads of wind turbines in a wind farm. Previous studies have shown the similarities and differences between FAST.Farm and large-eddy simulations (LES) using the same LES-precursor-generated ambient wind inflow. The ability to generate ambient wind inflow using a synthetic turbulence engineering model (e.g., TurbSim or the Mann model) has recently been integrated into FAST.Farm to potentially enable more computationally efficient usage of the tool. This work aims to: 1) compare FAST.Farm simulations using LES-generated inflow to those using synthetically generated inflow from TurbSim, and 2) establish guidelines by which TurbSim-generated inflow should be generated for wind farm analysis. It was found that properly setting spatial coherence parameters for the transverse wind velocity components is necessary to accurately predict wake meandering. It is shown that TurbSim-generated inflow can be used in FAST.Farm to accurately predict thrust, power, speed, and torque for waked and unwaked turbines
wake meandering behavior across different atmospheric conditions
and averaged wake-deficit advection and evolution effects.