Lignocellulosic biomass has only one-third the energy density of crude oil and lacks petroleum?s versatility as a feedstock for fuels and chemicals. Since 2009, the Center for direct Catalytic Conversion of Biomass to Biofuels (C3Bio) has recognized the potential of chemical catalysis and fast-pyrolysis to overcome such limitations by transforming the main components of biomass (cellulose, xylan, and lignin) from grasses and trees directly to liquid hydrocarbons and aromatic co-products. In 2014, C3Bio proposed to develop critical systems-level understanding of how biomass structural complexity at molecular, nanoscale, and mesoscale levels impacts the yields and selectivities of desired products from catalytic and pyrolytic transformations. Our long-term goal was to gain unprecedented control of effective routing of carbon: we aimed to specify both the structures within, and the reaction products from, lignocellulosic biomass. Enabled by the EFRC high-risk, high-reward approach to grand challenge science, our interdisciplinary team of plant biologists, chemists, and chemical engineers disrupted the conventional paradigm of the cellulosic biorefinery into a new future of ?no carbon left behind? - the full utilization of carbon from plant cell walls in energy-dense fuels.