The editorial will preface a special section of Energy and Fuels that showcases some of the work presented at an international conference held in Tianjin, China in Spring 2019. This symposium was chaired by Professor Guanyi Chen and hosted by Tianjin University. More than 400 experts from 11 countries participated, and presented new analyses, new technologies, and new ideas on ways to resolve the inherent tensions between cherishing the earth?s environment and meeting the ever-expanding demands of people and society for energy and other resources. A route to that happy future was described more than 100 years ago by Mr. Arthur D. Little who founded the eponymous company and who was also instrumental in establishing the formal study of chemical engineering in the United States. In 1909, he observed that the rapid growth of technology in the US was accompanied by the wastefulness that America is still, unfortunately, practicing. To encourage improvements in the chemical and energy industries, he reminded his readers that ?Every waste that is prevented or turned to profit, ? and every more effective process which is developed, makes for better living in the material sense and for more wholesome living in the higher sense.?