Direct biomass combustion for the production of heat is a broad field of technology which ranges from residential wood stoves to commercial and industrial boilers and furnaces. Fuels typically include pellets, chips and cord wood. Over the past decade, as a result of fuel price advantages and other benefits, wood burning has seen a significant growth. Renewable energy sources have become the primary focus of global energy consumption which is why wood burning has become more advantageous. Regional job creation would also occur as an effect of the growth in this industry. Along with this trend there is concern about air pollutant emissions and impact on air quality (Weiss, Rector et al. 2016). The focus of this work is on particulate emissions from biomass combustion with wood pellet fuels. Of the biomass fuels, pellets have the lowest uncontrolled emissions (McDonald 2009, Chandrasekaran, Laing et al. 2011).