This is an update on two projects headed by Los Alamos National Laboratory and Sandia National Laboratories. The two projects are: The Electrochemical Based Gas Analyzer for Automotive Diagnostic and Maximizing the Production of High Value and High Demand Guar Gum on Marginal Lands in New Mexico. The Electrochemical Based Gas Analyzer for Automotive Diagnostic NMSBA leveraged project is made up of Albuquerque companies, Automotive Test Solutions, Inc. (ATS), ATS Mobile Diagnostics and Thoma Technologies and Los Alamos small business, VI Control Systems, to develop a new sensor system for the automotive industry. The Guar Gum NMSBA Leveraged Project began in January 2016 with the goal to develop biotechnology to enable a genetic modification of prairie cordgrass, a renewable feedstock for bioenergy and bio-manufacturing. In the long term, the companies hope to use the technology to bio-manufacture high value products in the stem of the plant. This document describes the laboratories' cooperation with small businesses on these projects.