Under Department of Energy Award Number DE-EE0002877 (the ?DOE Award?), Solazyme, Inc. (?Solazyme?) has built a demonstration scale ?Solazyme Integrated Biorefinery (SzlBR).? The SzIBR was built to provide integrated scale-up of Solazyme?s novel heterotrophic algal oil biomanufacturing process, validate the projected commercial-scale economics of producing multiple algal oils, and to enable Solazyme to collect the data necessary to complete the design of its first commercial-scale facility. Solazyme?s technology enables it to convert a range of low-cost plant-based sugars into high-value oils. Solazyme?s renewable products replace or enhance oils derived from the world?s three existing sources?petroleum, plants, and animal fats. Solazyme tailors the composition of its oils to address specific customer requirements, offering superior performance characteristics and value. This report summarizes history and the results of the project.