This report is a summary of research that has been conducted under the auspices of a US DOE grant (DE-FG-08GO88151) and is a compilation of the efforts of a significant portion of the Audubon Sugar Institute faculty and staff. This project continued the developments initiated under DOE Awards No. DE-FC36-04GO14236 and DE-FG -05GO85007. There, the focus was on the development of a technology for a bagasse based biorefinery that will give sufficient economic advantage when integrated with a cane raw sugar mill, to support low-cost ethanol production. The purpose of this work is to lay the foundation for utilization of new grassy crops that can be utilized in a sugarcane raw mill based biorefinery. Determination of the appropriate payment analysis technique, pre-processing requirements and operational conditions for each feedstock is within the scope of this project. In addition to agronomic data, a foundation of basic analytical information on composition, handling characteristics, response to pretreatment, and fermentability of pretreated biomass hydrolysates were developed.