A computational study was performed to investigate the influence of transient needle motion on gasoline direct injection (GDI) internal nozzle flow and near-field sprays. Simulations were conducted with a compressible Eulerian flow solver modeling liquid, vapor, and non-condensable gas phases with a diffuse interface. Variable rate generation and condensation of fuel vapor were captured using the homogeneous relaxation model (HRM). The non-flashing (spray G) and flashing (spray G2) conditions specified by the Engine Combustion Network were modeled using the nominal spray G nozzle geometry and transient needle lift and wobble were based upon ensemble averaged x-ray imaging preformed at Argonne National Lab. The minimum needle lift simulated was 5 ?m and dynamic mesh motion was achieved with Laplacian smoothing. The results were qualitatively validated against experimental imaging and the experimental rate of injection profile was captured accurately using pressure boundary conditions and needle motion to actu- ate the injection. Needle wobble was found to have no measurable effect on the flow. Low needle lift is shown to result in vapor generation as fuel rushes past the needle. In conclusion, the internal injector flow is shown to contain many transient and interacting vortices which cause perturbations in the spray angle, fluctuations in the mass flux, and frequently result in string flash-boiling.