The second AFQ workshop, AFQ Workshop II, was held on Thursday, January 16, 2020, in Washington, DC, with 29 participants from industry (General Atomics, Framatome, Lightbridge, TerraPower, Westinghouse), national labs (ANL, INL, LANL, ORNL), DOE-NE, NRC, as well as two aerospace companies who are supporting NASA (Aerospace Corporation and Analytical Mechanics Associates). The main goal of the workshop was to discuss progress since the first workshop in May 2019 in developing the enabling computational and experimental AFQ building blocks and agree on next steps. A draft of the AFQ Working Group Charter was also reviewed and changes agreed to. There were 12 presentations given during the workshop, which included overview presentations, information on status of AFQ building computational and experimental building blocks, case studies, and a concluding presentation on NRC perspectives.