The EV Project deployed over 5,000 AC Level 2 charging stations and over 100 dual-port DC fast chargers for commercial use in 17 geographic regions across the united States. Approximately 8,300 Nissan LEAFs? and Chevrolet Volts PEVs participated in The EV Project by allowing data to be collected characterizing operation of their PEV and their charging usage. In the San Diego region, final PEV enrollment included 681 Leafs and 272 Volt owners. The PEV charging stations deployed as part of The EV Project included both residential and non-residential sites. Non-residential sites included electric vehicle supply equipment (EVSE) installed in workplace environments, fleet applications and those that were publicly accessible near retail centers, parking lots, and similar locations. The EV Project utilized its Micro-Climate� planning process to determine potential sites for publicly accessible EVSE in San Diego. This process worked with local stakeholders to target EVSE deployment near areas where The EV Project residential participants resided and where significant PEV traffic was expected. Using this process, The EV Project installed 545 non-residential fleet, workplace, and publicly accessible EVSE at 164 locations in the San Diego region. Another report: ?Do PEV Drivers Park near Publicly Accessible EVSE in San Diego but not use them?? 1 investigated the San Diego PEV drivers? use of 139 of these publicly accessible EVSE locations. It examined how frequently drivers parked near publicly accessible EVSE locations, but did not use them for charging. It concluded that parking near EVSE installed by The EV Project accounted for 3% of vehicle away-from-home parking. This report looks in greater detail at the PEV parking locations in San Diego to determine if there are highly utilized parking locations that should have EVSE available.