The Midwest Regional Carbon Sequestration Partnership (MRCSP) was founded in 2003 as part of the U.S. Department of Energy?s (DOE?s) Regional Carbon Sequestration Partnership initiative. Since its founding, MRCSP has made significant strides toward making CCUS a viable option for states in the region. The public/private consortium, funded through the DOE Regional Carbon Sequestration Initiative, brings together nearly 40 industry partners and 10 states. Battelle, as the project lead, oversees research, development and operations and coordinates activities among the partners. The incremental, phased approach has built a valuable knowledge base for the industry and paved the way for commercial-scale adoption of CCUS technologies. From 2008 to 2020, MRCSP Phase III focused on the development of large-scale injection projects. This report is part of a series of reports prepared under the Midwestern Regional Carbon Sequestration Partnership (MRCSP) Phase III (Development Phase). These reports summarize and detail the findings of the work conducted under the Phase III project. This report describes the efforts to drill and complete a well in the St. Peter sandstone for characterization and evaluation of storage potential in norther Michigan. However, as presented in this report, the well was not drilled and completed up to the intended target intervals due to drilling related difficulties. While the drilling issues were being resolved, the new Class VI injection well regulations were finalized by the US EPA. MRCSP efforts focused on evaluating CO<
storage and containment using site characterization, modeling, and monitoring in conjunction with the ongoing CO<
-EOR operations in the same area. This report describes work associated with the initial test well, the State Chester and MRCSP Well No. 1, drilled to a depth of about 7,968 feet TVD, and subsequently plugged and designated as temporarily abandoned. A high-level overview of data collected and analyzed is provided for shallower units.