ANL-01 is a Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA) site within Operable Unit (OU) 9-04 at the Materials and Fuels Complex (MFC). The ANL-01site includes the Industrial Waste Pond and its associated ditches. Ditches A, B and C within ANL-01 were remediated in accordance with the Final Record of Decision for Argonne National Laboratory - West (DOE-CH 1998a). Due to the success of the selected and contingent remedies for the ditches and the determination that they are protective of human health and the environment, institutional controls (ICs) are no longer required and Idaho National Laboratory (INL) recommends termination of the ICs. In addition, the documentation requirements of the INL Site-wide Institutional Controls, and Operations and Maintenance Plan for CERCLA Response Actions (DOE-ID 2017) have been met to allow termination to occur.