This DOE Fossil Energy project, FEAA117, addressed materials issues relevant to qualifying and deploying a Ni-base alloy for a new application in an advanced ultra-supercritical coal-fired boiler. The goal was the deployment of Haynes International alloy Haynes� 282� for applications in superheaters, reheaters, and steam delivery pipes, by completing base metal, cross-weld and all-weld metal mechanical testing needed for an ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code Case and the associated microstructural analyses needed for assurance of boiler-relevant lifetimes. The alloy also is of interest for other applications including supercritical CO? power generation cycles. Tensile testing was completed from 20�-927�C on the three base metal alloy 282 heats, two sets of cross-weld specimens and all weld metal specimens. A total of 148 creep tests with over 565,000 h of cumulative testing was completed on base metal, cross-weld and all weld metal specimens. This project was performed with cost share from Haynes International.