Thermal losses in industrial steam distribution systems account for 977 trillion Btu/year in the US, more than 1% of total domestic energy consumption. Aspen Aerogels worked with Department of Energy?s Industrial Technologies Program to specify, develop, scale-up, demonstrate, and deliver Pyrogel XT�, an aerogel-based pipe insulation, to market to reduce energy losses in industrial steam systems. The product developed has become Aspen?s best selling flexible aerogel blanket insulation and has led to over 60 new jobs. Additionally, this product has delivered more than ~0.7 TBTU of domestic energy savings to date, and could produce annual energy savings of 149 TBTU by 2030. Pyrogel XT?s commercial success has been driven by it?s 2-4X better thermal performance, improved durability, greater resistance to corrosion under insulation (CUI), and faster installation times than incumbent insulation materials.