"Case formulation is widely considered to be of central importance in cognitive behaviour therapies. This exceptionally thoughtful book explores the process in great detail. The similarities and differences between formulation approaches in different therapies within the broad CBT canon (cognitive therapy, behaviour therapy, RET, third wave, & constructivist approaches) are carefully laid out with lead chapters on each and thoughtful responses from other acknowledged experts. Thoroughly recommended to anyone interested in case formulation and its central role in psychotherapy". David Clark. Professor of Experimental Psychology, University of Oxford, UK. This book reasserts the importance of case formulation as the first step in implementing effective cognitive behavioral therapies (CBT), centering it as the main operative tool of CBT approaches by which the therapist handles the whole psychotherapeutic process.
- Chapter s discuss specific CBT interventions and components of the treatment, aspecific factors including therapeutic alliance and relationship, and theoretical and historical background of CBT practices. In addition, the book assumes that in CBT the case formulation is a procedure which is continuously shared and reevaluated between patient and therapist throughout the course of treatment. This aspect is increasingly becoming the distinguishing feature of CBT approaches as it embodies CBT's basic tenets and implies full confidence in patients' conscious agreement, transparent cooperation and explicit commitment with CBT's model of clinical change. Giovanni Maria Ruggiero is a practicing private psychotherapist who studied medicine and surgery at the University of Pavia in 1992 and specialized in Psychiatry at the University of Milan in 1998 and in cognitive psychotherapy at the School of cognitive and cognitive therapy behavioral "Cognitive Studies" of Milan in 2001. He is the director of studies at the Post-Degree Cognitive Psychotherapy School 'Psicoterapia Cognitiva e Ricerca' in Italy, and lectures at the Post-Degree Cognitive Psychotherapy School 'Studi Cognitivi' and at Sigmund Freud University in Vienna and Milan.