A holistic look at the vast landscape of Internetsecurity-past, present, and futureA major attack on the Internet could wreak havoc onsociety-bringing down telephony, banking, business,government, media, and the energy grid. This book addresses thegrowing threats to the Internet from different sources, offeringin-depth guidance on how to combat them on both desktop and mobileplatforms.Edited by a specialist in holistic security with contributionsfrom experts in industry and academia, The Death of theInternet presents a unique, cross-disciplinary approach toInternet security. It goes beyond computer science to explore itssocial and psychological components, discussing politicallymotivated attacks, human error, and criminal tendencies. Geared tonon-technical readers and experts alike, the book clearly explainsthe general concepts of Internet security for managers anddecision-makers and provides engineers and industry professionalswith detailed instructions on how to develop effective designs withsecurity in mind. The Death of the Internet:. Covers topics of Internet security, online fraud, phishing, andmalware. Explores the growing need for dedicated smartphone Internetsecurity. Describes how security threats can result in loss of trust andadvertising revenues. Outlines proven countermeasures and explains how to implementthem using real-world examples. Reviews state-of-the-art research and future trends in Internetsecurity.
Includes bibliographical references (pages 339-358) and index.