High performance computing on complex environments

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Tác giả: J �eZilinskas, Emmanuel Jeannot

Ngôn ngữ: eng

ISBN-10: 1118711890

ISBN-10: 1306638712

ISBN-13: 978-1118866672

ISBN-13: 978-1306638715

Ký hiệu phân loại: 004.11 Supercomputers

Thông tin xuất bản: Hoboken, New Jersey : John Wiley & Sons, 2014

Mô tả vật lý: 1 PDF (xxi, 395 pages) : , illustrations.

Bộ sưu tập: Tài liệu truy cập mở

ID: 314774

 With recent changes in multicore and general-purpose computing on graphics processing units, the way parallel computers are used and programmed has drastically changed. This book provides recent research results in high-performance computing on complex environments, information on how to efficiently exploit heterogeneous and hierarchical architectures and distributed systems, detailed studies on the impact of applying heterogeneous computing practices to real problems, and applications varying from remote sensing to tomography. Topics include: numerical analysis for heterogeneous and multicore systems
  optimization of communication for high performance heterogeneous and hierarchical platforms
  efficient exploitation of heterogeneous architectures, hybrid CPU+GPU, and distributed systems
  energy awareness in high-performance computing
  and applications of heterogeneous high-performance computing. -- Edited summary from book.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
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