The International Conference on Case-Based Reasoning (ICCBR) is the pre-eminent international meeting on case-based reasoning (CBR). ICCBR 2007 ( was the seventh in this series, presenting the most significant contributions in the field of CBR. The conference took place in Belfast, Northern Ireland, UK, during August 13-16, 2007. ICCBR and its sister conferences ECCBR (European Conference on Case-Based Reasoning) alternate every year. ICCBR 2007 followed a series of six successful international conferences previously held in Sesimbra, Portugal (1995)
Providence, Rhode Island, USA (1997)
Seeon, Germany (1999)
Vancouver, Canada (2001)
Trondheim, Norway (2003)
and C- cago, Illinois, USA (2005). The European Conferences on Case-Based Reasoning (ECCBR) were held as European workshops in Kaiserslautern, Germany (1993)
Chantilly, France (1994)
Lausanne, Switzerland (1996)
Dublin, Ireland (1998)
and Trento, Italy (2000)
and as European conferences in Aberdeen, UK (2002)
Madrid, Spain (2004)
and Lykia World, Turkey (2006). Days one, two, and four comprised presentations and posters on theoretical and - plied CBR research. In order to emphasize the importance of applications, the tra- tional industry day was converted into an Industry Program held on the second day, in the middle of the conference. Day three was devoted to five workshops: Case-Based Reasoning and Context-Awareness
Case-Based Reasoning in the Health Sciences
Textual Case-Based Reasoning: Beyond Retrieval
Uncertainty and Fuzziness in Case- Based Reasoning
and Knowledge Discovery and Similarity.