Mentioning on education in Saigon during French colonial period, it is impossible to ignore the contribution of many Catholic figures. By their own academic strengths, they played a central role in complex educational transformation of this period. This article presents some efforts and achievements of Catholic scholars in Saigon in education reform. Objective recognition of these Catholic figures will help to understand better about basic thoughts of Catholic intellectuals on the educational in Vietnam
strengthening the great national unity bloc and developing the religious human resources., Tóm tắt tiếng anh, Mentioning on education in Saigon during French colonial period, it is impossible to ignore the contribution of many Catholic figures. By their own academic strengths, they played a central role in complex educational transformation of this period. This article presents some efforts and achievements of Catholic scholars in Saigon in education reform. Objective recognition of these Catholic figures will help to understand better about basic thoughts of Catholic intellectuals on the educational in Vietnam
strengthening the great national unity bloc and developing the religious human resources.