o ca c the ky XVI, XVII, Ho# i An (Qua ng Nam) la
mo# t thu o ng ca ng quo c te vo cu
ng sa
m ua t thu hu t thu o ng nha n tu
kha p no i tre n the gio i o ve
e thu mua ha
ng ho a. Trong khi o , o cha u A u, Bo
o Nha cu
ng vo i ha#m o# i hu
ng ma#nh cu a mi
nh a kha m pha tha
nh co ng tuye n u o
ng ha
ng ha i mo i e n A n o# , o ng Nam A va
Vie n o ng. Nhu mo# t co duye n li#ch su , cu
ng vo i chi nh sa ch mo cu a cu a chu a Nguye n, Ho# i An a tro tha
nh mo# t trong nhu ng i#a ie m a
u tie n o a
ng Trong thie t la# p quan he# thu o ng ma#i va
n gia o vo i ngu o
i Bo
o Nha. Trong pha#m vi cu a ba
i nghie n cu u na
y, chu ng to i muo n pha n ti ch hoa#t o# ng thu o ng ma#i va
n gia o cu a Bo
o Nha o Ho# i An tu
the ky XVI e n the ky XVII. Tre n co so o , chu ng to i ly gia i mo# t so nguye n nha n thu c a y su # pha t trie n cu a ca c hoa#t o# ng na
y o ca ng thi# Ho# i An trong mo# t tho
i ky
li#ch su nhie
u bie n o# ng., To m ta t tie ng anh, In the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, Hoi An (Quang Nam) was an bustling international port that attracted foreign merchants to purchase goods. Meanwhile, in Europe, Portugal and its powerful fleets successfully discovered the new maritime route to India, Southeast Asia and the Far East. As a historical opportunity, along with the open-door policy of Nguyen lords, Hoi An became one of the first places in Cochinchina to establish trade and missionary relationships with Portugal. In this paper, we will analyze trading activities and the process of spreading Christianity by Portugal in Hoi An from the sixteenth century to the seventeenth century. We will then explain the reasons why the development and progress of these activities in Hoi An port during the historical period were successful.