Trong nhu ng na m ga
n a y, Vie# t Nam a va
ang gia nha# p sa u ro# ng ho n vo i Co# ng o
ng kinh te ASEAN 5. Vie# t Nam a su a o i va
ban ha
nh mo i ca c chi nh sa ch e thu #c hie# n ca c cam ke t trong tu
ng nga
nh cu# the . Trong o , vie# c ta i co ca u he# tho ng Nga n ha
ng thu o ng ma#i u o #c coi la
va n e
quan tro#ng. Ba
i vie t pha n ti ch thu #c tra#ng mo# t so bie# n pha p ta ng na ng lu #c ta
i chi nh cu a Nga n ha
ng thu o ng ma#i Vie# t Nam trong tho
i gian qua, a# c bie# t la
hai giai oa#n 2011-2015 va
2016-2020., To m ta t tie ng anh, In recent years, Vietnam has been participating more deeply with the ASEAN 5Economic Community. Vietnam has revised and promulgated new policies to implement commitments in specific industries. In particular, the restructuring of the commercial banking system is considered an important issue. The article analyzes the current situation of some measures to increase the financial capacity of Vietnam Commercial Bank over the past time, especially the two periods 2011-2015 and 2016-2020.