Studying some clinical and para-clinical characteristics of 126 chronic pulmonary TB (who had been treated completly with 2 regimes of NTP) in Binh Dinh TB and Lung disease hospital, which showed that 66/126 patients have had disease duration 6-10 years, the symptoms as durative cough 85.71 percent, Pain chest: 77.78 percent, Fever: 51.14 percent, BMI (grad 1-3): 87.3 percent and hemoptysis in 25 percent cases. The available of M-TB in sputums is very hight with drug resistance characteristic. 72.2 percent of case is positve both in smear and culture but 27.78 percent smear negative but positive in culture. The result drug resistance test showed that Isoniazid: 61.11 percent
Streptomycin: 59.52 percent
Rifampicin: 57.94 percent
Ethambutol: 49.21 percent and 45/126 (35.71 percent) is multi-drug resistance.