Objective: To study the occurrence of Macrophage (CD68) on human renal transplant biopsy. Methods: cross-sectional descriptive study, measuring the appearance of CD68 on 56 biopsies of 15 renal transplant patients at Rangueil Hospital, France (divided into 3 groups: "normal" with normal renal function, were biopsied at 6 months and 12 months, "rejection" and "changes" in renal function due to other causes and 15 patients in the control group (the kidneys healthy of cutting of kidney tumor). Results: The average age of the donor and recipient were young (33.7 + or - 13.2 age in the donor and 31.9 + or - 10.1 age in the recipient). Cold ischemia time was 16.8 + or - 7.0 hour. Presence of CD68 is higher on other groups than damp groups (p 0.05). The appearance of CD68 was highest when renal dysfonction. Conclusion: CD68 appears after renal transplantation and higher when there is increased inflammation (renal dysfunction) and have no relation between CD68 appears and longtimes renal dysfunction.