The 2985 patients sufferred from HFMD at NHP from 1 July, 2011 to 31 June, 2013 were investigated. Main results are : the most common age of the patients is 1 - 3 year of age (94,4 percent). History of close contacted with people who was diagnosised of HFMD is 31,7 percent. Clinical feature by the time are: fever, skin rash in hand, foot, mouth, myoclonic jerk, chill. Severity classification: Grade I: 8,38 percent, lIa: 81,4
lIb group 5,97, lIb group 2:3,01 percent, Grade III: 0,88, Grade IV: 0,37 percent. There are some severe complication such as shock, pericarditis, lungs ederma. Laboratories: Nasopharyngeal aspiration test for EV positive in 59,1 percent, EV 71 positive was 43,1 percent.