Experiments of growing season, plant spacing and fertilizers for "Men" trees (Mosla dianthera) were conducted in Luong Thanh, Na Ri district, Sac Kan province in 2013. The experiments was arranged in a randomized complete block design with three replications, experimental plot area: 9.45 m2. The results showed that: Sowing "Men" tree in February had the highest yield (8.8 tons/ha) and the lowest yield belonged to April (6.1 tons/ha). Experiment of plant spacing, treatment 4 (35 x 30 cm) had the highest yield (9.3 tons/ha), treatment 3 (35 x 25 cm) had the lowest (7.9 tons/ha). Fertilizer treatments achieved higher yield than treatment with no fertilizer, while treatment 5 (40N + 50P2O5 + 20K2O) gave the highest yield (9.3 tons/ha). Thus, cultivation process of "Men" tree in Sac Kan province that had the highest yield was: Sowing in February with plant spacing of 35 x 30 cm and fertilizers: 5 tons of manure + 40 kg N + 50 kg P2O5 + 20 kg K2O/ha.