Objectives: To compare short-term outcomes of stapled to hand-sewn anastomosis of colon to rectum in treatment of colorectal cancer. Method: Retrospective two-arm comparison study. Results: 104 patients with sigmoid and upper rectal cancer were divided into two groups: 50 patients with stapled anastomosis and 54 patients with hand-sewn anastomosis. The average operation time is 120.4 - 141.35 minutes. The time of having postoperative gas is 3.1-3.4 days. The duration of post-operative hospital stay is 7.8 - 8.1days. The rate of anastomotic leak is 2%-1.8%, anastomotic bleeding is 4%-1,8%, anastomotic narrowing is 4%- 1,8%, surgical wound infection 2% - 7.4%. Conclusion: In comparison of stapled and hand-sewn techniques in anastomosis of colon to rectum in treatment of colorectal cancer, the author conclude that there is no difference between the two groups in terms of duration of having post-operative gas, hospitalization stay, and rate of anastomotic leakage. However the operation time in group using stapler is shorter than gnaup with hand sewing. Patients with stapled anastomosis have higher rate of anastomote bleeding, anastomotic nan-owing but lower rate of surgical wound infection than the other group.So sánh kết quả sớm miệng nối đại tràng - trực tràng bằng stapler trên 50 bệnh nhân với khâu nối bằng tay trên 54 bệnh nhân trong điều trị ung thư đại trực tràng. Kết quả cho thấy cả 2 nhóm không có sự khác nhau về thời gian trung tiện, thời gian nằm viện, tỷ lệ rò miệng nối. Tuy nhiên, thời gian mổ của nhóm có miệng nối bằng stapler ngắn hơn nhóm khâu nối bằng tay, tỷ lệ chảy máu miệng nối và hẹp miệng nối cao hơn, tỷ lệ nhiễm trùng vết mổ thấp hơn so với nhóm khâu nối bằng tay.