Chuẩn hóa môi trường và kỹ thuật nuôi cấy tế bào gốc phôi chuột tại phòng thí nghiệm trường Đại học Y dược Thái Nguyên. Kết quả nuôi cấy dòng tế bào gốc phôi chuột cho thấy tế bào sinh trưởng tốt, hình thái điển hình, đủ điều kiện để định hướng biệt hóa thành các tế bào mong muốn.Stem cell research in the field of medicine has been started from successful embryonic stem cell culture. However, depending on the actual conditions of each laboratory, researchers have built their own stem cell culture environment and culture technique. In this research, we have studied the conditions and techniques of stem cell culture from domestic and foreign laboratories. Then we standardize the environment and techniques of mouse embryonic stem cell culture is applied in the laboratory in TNU - University of Medicine and Pharmacy. We have successfully standardized the environment and techniques of mouse embryonic stem cell culture. Successful transplantation of mouse embryonic stem cell line. Well-formed, morphologically-normal cells, which are capable of targeting differentiated cells into desired cells.