Aims: To study clinical and sub-clinical features of cerebral infarction patients, who detected only by brain MRI but brain CT were normal. Methods: Descriptive study was conducted in 109 patients with cerebral infarction
conducting comparative clinical and subclinical characteristics of the 2 groups cerebral infarction patients: Group 1 included 61 patients with brain CT scan result is normal, but MRI detected cerebral infarction
Group 2 included 48 patients with cerebral infarction was diagnosed based on the results of CT brain. Results: In the group of cerebral infarction detected only by MRI have diabetes rate (27.8 percent) higher than in the cerebral infarction group were detected by CT (10.4 percent), p 0.05. Clinical signs of cerebral infarction group were detected by CT were typical than in the group of cerebral infarction detected only by MRI. Proportion of cerebral infarction with 2 or more infarcts in cerebral infarction group was discovered only by MRI was 72.2 percent higher rate than that of cerebral infarction was detected by CT (54.1 percent), p 0.05. Percentage infarct size 15mm in cerebral infarction group were detected by MRI only 78.7 percent higher than in the cerebral infarction group were detected by CT (31.3 percent), p 0,05. Conclusions: Patients with normal brain CT scan results but brain MRI findings have cerebral infarction is more common in patients with diabetes and patients with clinical symptoms atypical.