According to Liu Quanra & Mark. F. Watson (2009), the genus Biophytum DC. had about 50 species mainly distributed in tropical and subtropical regions of the world. There are 4 Biophytum species spaselly in Vietnam. Almost of Biophytum species rare (B. umbraculum, B. adiantoides and B. fruticosum), especially 2 species (B. umbraculum and B. fruticosum) only in Tay Nguyen region and the South of Vietnam, 3 species (B. adiantoides, B. sensitivum and B. fruticosum) for medicine, 1 species (B. sensitivum) for vegetable. These species in Biophytum genus has characteristic such as stipules filiform, leaves pinnate, leaflets opposite, stamens 10 witamong them 5 units long, 5 units short, capsular with 5 locute, seed usually with tubercles. Key to species base on mainly characteristic of peduncle, sepal, number of leaflets. In the article, the key to identify all taxa of the genus has been constructed. In the other hand, the information of morphology, distribution, habitat, ecology, use value, actual state of genus Biophytum in Vietnam is provided.