Scutellaria barbata is medicinal plant, It has characteristic such as stems erect, 15-30cm tall, square. Leaf blade ovate to lanceolate, margin dentate, apex acute or obtuse. Racemes tenninal
floral leaves similar to stem leaves, much reduced upward. Flowers axillary, pedicel 1-2mm. Calyx ca. 1.5-2mm, puberulent outside. Corolla white. Nutlets brown, oblate sphere, slumpy. The result of investigation about distributed in Vietnam find out they scatter in Ha Giang, Bac Ninh, Phu Tho, Ha Noi, Hai Duong and Ninh Binh province. Number of individual are few, usually in margins of rice paddies, streamsides, wet grasslands. Voucher specimens were collected and deposited in the Herbarium of the Institute of Ecology and biological Resources, Hanoi, Vietnam (HN), herbarium of Hanoi National University (HNU) and herbarium of Ho Chi Minh city Botanical Museum (VNM). Scutellaria barbata from Vietnam closes with China but differ as tonn of leaf blade, colour of corolla and nutlets.