In Thuy Trieu lagoon there are 26 mangrove species, of which 16 species are true mangroves. It is remarkable that Lumnitzera littorea is on the Red List of Vietnam and many other countries. The area of mangrove forest in Thuy Trieu lagoon is about 14ha, it distributes scattered along the shore. The seagrass beds in Thuy Trieu lagoon has 8 identified species, of which Enhalus acoroides and Halophila ovafis are most common. The area of seagrass beds in Thuy Trieu lagoon is approximately 547ha, it mainly distributes on Con Giua dune and the eastern shallow water of lagoon. Fish is mainly exploited in seagrass beds and neightbouring areas, including Acentrogobius sp., Siganus guttatus, Siganus canalicufatus, Valamugil cunnesius, Sillago sp., Leiognathus sp., Gerres filamentosus with total production of 338 ton/year. The main exploited crustacean species include Uca sp., Charybdis anisodon, Scylla serrata, Portunus pelagicus, Metapenaeus spp. with approximate total production of 495 ton/year. The main exploited mollusc species include Lingula sp., Octopus sp., Strombus sp., Marcia spp. with approximate total production of 148 ton/year. Due to loss of mangrove forest and degradation of seagrass beds, the aquatic resources in Thuy Trieu lagoon more and more decrease.