Field study on large butterflies (Lepidoptera: Rhopalocera) was carried out in three national parks of Hoang Lien (Lao Cai province), Cuc Phuong (Ninh Binh province), and Tam Dao (Vinh Phuc province) in April 2012 with four-day survey in each site. Specimens were collected in different habitat types (e.g., grass and shrub along stream, natural forest) at elevations of 1250-2000m in Hoang Lien, 100-400m in Cuc Phuong, and 200-1250m in Tam Dao. A total of 157 species of large butterflies were recorded, with 99 epecies from Cuc Phuong, 98 species from Tam Dao, and 80 species from Hoang Lien. Threatened species recorded in the study sites are Troides helena, T. aeacus, Teinopalpus aureus, T. imperialis. The species composition of Tam Dao is similar to that of Cuc Phuong (similarity index 75 percent), while it is 47 percent between Hoang Lien and Tam Dao and 39 percent between Hoang Lien and Cuc Phuong. Species composition of large butterflies of Hoang Lien National Park differs from those of Tam Dao and Cuc Phuong because of the following reasons: 1) Hoang Lien is located in the Northwest region, whereareas Tam Dao and Cuc Phuong are situated in the Northeast and Red River Delta regions, respectively and 2) the differecnce in elevations among the survey sites.