The family structure in Xuan Lien Nature Reserve showed that in 88.13 percent of families the man, and in 11.87 percent of the families the wife, is the head of family. The average age of the family heads is 45 years. The family heads have following education: 45.63 percent-primary schoof, 32.5 percent-secondary school, 10.0 percent - high school, 10,0 percent-iIIiterate. Only 1,88 percent of the family heads have intennediate or college education. The rate of minority population is 99.3 percent in Bat Mot commune, 97 percent in Yen Nhan commune, 60.7 percent in Van Xuan commune
85 percent in Xuan Cam commune and 66 percent in Luong Son commune. The average family size is 4.5 people. The average family income is 25.6 VND with 47.81 percent contribution from the rice, 20.3 percent contribution from forestry, 18.35 percent from grazing. Sustainable development of livelihoods of local people requyres measures for enhancing household funds and technical measures. Measures for enhancing household funds include: (a) human fund: improve human resources and create works for unemployment
(b) finance fund: Diversity subsistence jobs
(c) social fund: Strengthen staff capacity of organisations, improve marketing, and agticulture extension
(d) natural fund: Practice sustainable agriculture
and (e) physical fund: improve human fund and finance fund. The technical measures include: improvement of cultivation and grazing development of forestry and non-agricultural production.