Bac Huong Hoa Nature Reserve was established in 2007. This is the second Nature Reserve in Quang Tri province. Results of the initial surveys by Sirdlife in Bac Huong Hoa Nature Reserve show high biodiversity of this area and many rare animals such as Sao la, Gaur, Truong Son Munjack, Ha Tinh lIrIgur, White-cheeked gibbon, Red-shanked Douc Langur, Annamite Striped Rabbit. This study of mammal diversity in Bac Huong Hoa Nature Reserve, was conducted from 2007 to 2013 The surveys record 90 mammal species belonging to 28 families and 11 orders. Mammal fauna of Bac Huong Hoa Nature Reserve has high conservation significance with 30 species enlisted in Red Data Book of Vietnam (2007) and 24 species of them are listed in 2012 IUCN Red List and 29 species of them are listed in Decree 32 of the Government. There are seven activities of local people directly threatening wildlife fauna in Bac Huong Hoa NR such as. Hunting, trading, timber, non-timber forest product extraction, war metal remains collecting, forest clearance for shifting cultivation and fre-ranging cattle grazing in the forest.