Phong Nha-Ke Bang National Park in the Centre region of central Vietnam, located n(i\rthwest of Sinh province, bordering Vietnam-Laos. Geographic coordinates from: 17°21'12 "-17°39'44" north , 105°57'53 "-106°24'19" east longitude. Phong Nha-Ke Bang National Park, Quang Binh has an area of immense primeval forest with high bio-diversity that is reflected in the diversity of limestone, mountain land, habitat in the valley, habitat diversity cave... there was a lot of interest ers studying the relative uniformity of fauna and flora of the park, such as fish, amphibians, birds and animals... but particular Oribatid mites fauna are not interested in research. This paper research results suggested that oribatid mites community structures particularly their species density and distribution are closely related to the changes of the environmental conditions so can be used as a bioindicators of sustainable management of the forest ecosystem in Vietnam.