The objective of this study was to investigate a rearing fomulation for predatory mite Amblyseius longispinosus. The rearing experiments were set up with three kindes of foods, e.g. two spotted spider mite (Tetranychus urticae), pollen and combination of T. urticae and pollen. Also the experiments were conducted in three rearing formulations, e.g. plastic box filled with foam, petri dishes filled with absorbent cotton wood and host plant with abundant preys. The experiment conditions were conducted in the laboratory conditions with the temperature of 27°C +/- 1, the humidity of 70 +/- 10 percent and the length day of 12L: 8D. The rearing experiment results shows T. urticae was the most suitable food for rearing of A. longispinosus. The life cycle of A. longispinosus was established with 5.32, 9.10 and 6.40 days and the total egg was 31.90, 5.92 and 6.40 eggs, respectively on T. urticae, pollen and the combination of T. urticae and pollen. The number of eggs and adults of A. longispinosus produced from two initial females in during three week period wal
highest with 56.67 and 58.67, respectively in the rearing formulations of petri dishes with absorbent cotton wood and that with host plant with their abundant preys. Although pollen is not suitable food for rearing A. longispinosus, this food can play an important role for the survival of A. longispinosus when the field lack of prey or in the early stages of the season. The next studies will be conducted to set up the method for large scale rearing this predatory mite to control spider mite in the fields and greenhouses.