Unfavorable factors of environment are currently the major challenges for maintaining of sustainable development of food production for humans, in which drought and salt conditions are two of the most important factors inhibiting the development of agriculture production. In present, the research on plant stress focus on isolation and study of features of some genes related to the effects of unfavorable environment. Dehydration responsive element binding protein (DREB) is a transcription factor controlling transcription of the genes related to drought tolerance of plants. In this study, the DREB3 gene was amplified from soybean cDNA using the specific primers designed based on the sequence of DREB3 (No. DQ055133.1). Nucleotide sequencing result showed that the sequence of the isolated DREB3 gene is 100 percent similar to DREB3 on GenBank. Based on the structure analysis of DREB3 protein, the authors have identified the conserved domain AP2 of the DREB gene family from the 138th to 197th amino acid. The result of phylogenetic tree construction based on the domain AP2 showed that the DREB3 gene belongs to group A6 in the DREB subfamily. For the purpose of production of drought-resistant crops, the DREB3 gene was inserted into transgenic vector pBI101: :rd29A and was controlled by drought-inducible rd29A promoter. This construct was initially used to generate droughtresistant transgenic tobacco plants using A. tumefaciens. The result of drought treatment on 21 lines of transgenic tobacoo showed more enhanced drought tolerance and better ability of recovery compared with control plants.