Objectives: to evaluate refractive errors in children with regressed retinopathy of prematurity (ROP) who examined and followed up in VNIO. Patients and methods: an observation study - 50 regressed ROP patients who accessed refractive errors by using retinoscopy method from 2004 to 2009. Results: 50 patients (30 males, 20 females), mean age 3.31 + or - 1.06 years, 98 eyes have refractive error results. Mean gestation age is 30.43 + or - 1.02 weeks (26-34 weeks) and weight is 1491.66 + or - 269.42 gram. Refractive errors ratio is 88.78 percent: myopia is 38.78 percent, hyperopia is 50 percent, astigmatism is 32.6 percent, emmetropia is 11.22 percent, anisometropia is 6 percent. High myopia rate (6D) is 5.26 percent, high hyperopia rate (+3D) is 2.08 percent and high astigmatism rate (2D) is 31.3 percent. 4 percent with strabismus. Ratio of vision acuity without glasses or = 20/25 is 21.62 percent and with glasses is 62.16 percent. Conclusion: regressed ROP patients have low vision because of refractive errors. Early correction is necessary to avoid amblyopia.