Introduction: Colon cancer is the most common malignant colorectal cancer in patients over 50 years age. Anemia is common symtom, detected in 56 percent, is the risk factor to the outcome of surgery. Right colon anemia cancer was detected in 36,5 percent and show that patients in sereve stage. Purpose: the aim of this study to described clinical, paradinical and pathology feature in these patients. Patientsand methods:Retrospestive combined prospective descriptive study in 93 Anemia colon cancer patients were operated management in CanTho center general Hospital from the years between 2005 and 2009. Results: Mean age was 58,4 years, mean haemoglobin levels was 10.4g/dl, anaemia is a common symptom of right colon. Pathologic stage of the tumor Adenocarcinoma occupied II (41,9 percent), III (51,6 percent) and IV (6,5 percent).