The research results showed that in the research area there are 142 species of NTFPs for medicines and foods. Among them, the medicinal group accounted for 99 species (69.7 percent) and 43 species for food (30.3 percent). Although the data may be not enough, but it reflects very rich the NTFPs used as medicines, food. This shows the potential very large to develop plants for NTFPs in the area. But today's market demand for NTFPs used as medicines and foods is high and including with the exploitation unplanned of them therefore greatly affect the amount and regeneration of forest plants. This is the cause for many species in danger of disappearing in the area. Those species founded in the field survey and in the interviews showed that the number of encounters is very limited. Based on the research findings, recommendations are needed urgently timely measures to conserve and develop plant genetic resources of NTFPs for food and medicines here.