Integrated coastal zone management (ICZM) is a method of the management which aims to reach an effective utilization on the coastal resources and common values for the coastal development. ICZM focus on establishment of the coordinating mechanism inorder to have the integration and involvement of all stakeholders, from that the conflicts on the coastal resources use are solved, and coastal environment protection, the balance of benefits in using the coastal resources and space between sectors and communities are set up. During last 10 years, Vietnam has been implemented ICZM in reality through the ICZM demonstration and pilot sites in some selective coastal provinces and cities, and have a good result for learning. However, scaling up ICZM in Vietnam there are several challenges and difficulties need to be overcome because of .lacking the coordinating mechanism, shorts in financing, lack of needed legal, weakness on capacities and experience especially at provincial level etc., The report tries to suggest the Vietnam policy directions on ICZM in-order to deal with challenges and difficulties in recent time.