An assessment of plant resources in the mangrove forest of southern Vietnam, a land-area with heroic traditions, was carried out. The survey results recorded 130 species, 96 genera, 49 families belonging to 29 orders in 2 phyla (Polypodiophyta and Magnoliophyta) of vascular plants, including 34 basic salt-tolerant species, 51 salt-affected species and 45 domestic species. The plant resources are divided into five main groups such as medicinal plants (88 species), timber (16 species), vegetables (15 species), fibre plants (7 species), ornamental plants (4 species)
and 4 species are listed for conservation in the Vietnam Red Data Book, Part II. Plants (2007). Life form of plants is divided into six main groupal including herbs, shrubs, small trees, big trees, lianas and hemiparasites.