A total of 12 individuals of Shinisaurus crocodilurus are currently keeping at the Me Linh Station for Biodiversity and reproductive study. Six of them have been kept at the station since February 2012. In captivity conditions, the average weight of S. crocodiluruss lightly increased from 60.3g in February 2012 to 91.3g in May 2013 (N = 6 adults). However, the average total length slowly increased from 170.8mm in February 2012 to 166mm in May 2013 (N = 6 adults). In terms of feeding items, this lizard species prefers earthworm and cricket, and it usually eats a higher amount of foods in summer and autumn, from May to October, because this time is after hibemated period of this species and before breeding season. S. crocodilurusis also successfully bred at the Me Linh Station for Biodiversity. This species gives 2-4 offspring, the newborn lizard is about 2-4g and approximately 100-110mm in total length.