Hon Me island with 74 species of Zooplankton in the group Copepoda, Cladocera, crustacean larvae, larvae of echinoderms, jellyfish, fish samples, shrimp bran, swimming tilt were recorded. Of these, copepods was dominant group with 54 species accounted for 72.9 percent of total species, other groups in the lower proportion of species structure. A bottom group Amphipoda with 36 species, including 3 new species described in 2011. The Zooplankton group was occured with high density, ranging from 1746-6454 individual/m3. The Copepoda group occured with 83.5-99.0 percent total community, whereas other groups occured with lower density, ranges from 2-240 individual/m3. The Zooplankton densities at western coastal were ussually in higher level but its not too much signification recorded. The coastal water quality around Hon Me island were at risk of pollution and decline due to anthropod activities such as fishing with the destructive measures, agriculture and forestry productions. These need to be establish effective measures to minimize negative impacts of human activities to coastal ecosystems to ensure habitat for aquatic species as conditions for recovery of biodiversity and biological resource.