On the basis of six permanent plots, structure characteristics and the carbon accumulated amount of various types of forest have been identified through rapid assessment methods (RaCSA) of ICRAF. The results showed that the structure characteristics of the timber layer are as follows: Shannon biodiversity index (H ') from 2.77-3.84
SR 16-25
the average height from 9.23-13.06m
01.3 from 10.89-14.10cm
the stem basal area (G) from 6.42-13.01 m2/ha. The above ground accumulated carbon of the forest types is calculated by multiplying 0.46 with the biomass sume of three above ground sections, such as wooden trees, understorey and litter layer. Accumulated carbon ranges from 22.22 ton C/ha to 39.45 ton C/ha. The determinants of the ability to accumulate carbon are the species composition, structural characteristics and level of human impact.