This paper presented the prey attacking behavior of six spotted zigzag beetle Menochilus sexmaculatus (Fabricius), one effective predatory ladybird for aphids. Black aphid Aphis craccivora Koch. had been used as the prey for the predator, Menochilus sexmaculatus. The prey attacking behavior of zigzag beetle M. sexmaculatus was showed by the predator selection activity on prey age or prey size and the attack position on their prey body. The zigzag beetle M. sexmaculatus has the voracious manner in, attacking on prey, the beetle is a typical cannibal as the cannibalismwas observed in laboratory conditions, even in the condition when preys were sufficiently supplied. The oviposition behavior of Menochilus sexmaculatuswas studied in beetle females of six generations. The result showed that in the wild,six spotted zigzag beetle females lays more eggs on crops where aphids appeared with the high density and their eggs usually laidconcentratively around the clusters of prey. Six spotted zigzag beetle adults of six generations reared in the laboratory havethe same pattern of laying egg rhythm, the beetle females lay more eggs in around 15 to 20 days in early stage of oviposition and the laying egg rhythm is stable between generations.