The article give out morphological, biological and ecological characteristics of Indochinese flying lizard-Draco indochinensis Smith, 1928 and Spotted flying lizard-Draco maculatus (Gray, 1845) (Agamidae, Sauria, Reptilia) in Quang Ngai region. The result showed that food compositions of the two lizards include 8 orders in Insecta class. Among them, Hymenoptera and Isoptera orders are predominately. Distribute to gather in dry places of evergreen forest, from 500 to 800m a.s.l. ihese lizards activities by daytime (from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. in Summer
from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. in Winter
the best time for act is from 8 to 11 h in the morning and from 14 to 17h in the afternoon), the temperature is from 24 to 380e and the humidity is from 63 percent to 85 percent
sleep by night. The breeding season is from March to August during the year. They have many reproductive sets (2-5 eggs/1 set, everage 3 eggs/1 set)
their ovary have three types of egg: Type 1 (the eggs are stick together, length is appromixately width). Draco indochinensis have number of eggs from 3-5 eggs
Draco maculatus from 3-6 eggs
type 2 (the eggs are separated, no shell). Draco indochinensis have number of egg from 2-4 eggs
Draco maculatus from 2-5 eggs
type 3 (the eggs are near to give, moving on fallopian tube, have shell). Draco indochinensis have number of egg from 2-4 eggs
Draco maculatus from 2-5 eggs. Mean size of testicle is 0.52 x 0.34cm, weight 0.07g (Draco indochinensis) and 0.51 x 0.32cm, weight 0.06 g (Draco maculatus). Females have more fully up than male, not to look after infantile, to watch new-laid eggs around 24h/incubate's time. Incubation time after deposition from 28 to 32 days.